Our History

Turkey with a history bookIn 1980, Pastor John DeSanto of the United Presbyterian Church in Montrose was challenged by a young intern to organize a free Thanksgiving Dinner for “people living alone, or wanting to meet new friends, or people passing through without a place to go, or people out of work, or people wanting to share their Thanksgiving goodies with others.”

Over thirty years later, Montrose Community Dinners (MCD) continues this same tradition. The Community Thanksgiving Dinner has undergone a metamorphosis in organization and size but has remained true to the original challenge.

From 1980 to 1994, the Association of Montrose Churches took up the challenge and provided a full Thanksgiving dinner prepared by volunteers. The meal was served at the United Presbyterian Church and the United Methodist Church during that time.

In 1994, Paul Parsons, Association president, announced that the Association of Montrose Churches would no longer be hosting the Thanksgiving Dinner. Enter the Montrose Chamber of Commerce Red Coats, who moved the dinner to Friendship Hall at the Montrose County Fairgrounds and added local entertainment and games for the children in 1995. In 1996, the Thanksgiving “Friends” was incorporated to become the Montrose Community Dinners, Inc. This annual event has grown, now serving over 3000 free meals, including home deliveries to people unable to attend. The Montrose High School Soccer Team and many other volunteers handle the deliveries.

The meal has continued to be a traditional Thanksgiving dinner with trimmings, with 150 turkeys donated by the Montrose Association of Realtors in 2023. Montrose County and Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company are also major sponsors. For many years, the Association of Montrose Churches provided over 400 homemade pies and desserts prepared by church members. This community dinner also relies on the generosity of numerous other sponsors and donors who provide funds and in-kind donations. The continuous support of the business community, service clubs, and other organizations is a necessity for the success of this annual event. New supporters are always encouraged and welcome. Donations are tax-deductible.

Besides the crucial financial donations, it takes over 350 volunteers to create a day of community, donating hours of food preparation, hall setup and decorations, and a day of serving. To make each Thanksgiving Day a success and ensure that the dinner runs smoothly, the MCD Board begins planning in August. Bob Eakin, Bonnie Eakin, and Marge Keehfuss all served on this Board for over 20 years. Other long-time Board members include Sharon and Keith Rasmussen, Suzi and John Reich, and Tom Richards. Their efforts and knowledge have provided steady direction for the current Board members.

Each Board member has assigned duties that contribute to creating a Thanksgiving Day experience for the community. The reward of seeing happy, satisfied diners makes all of the Board members smile.

This celebration began with a mission to care for people in our community—friends, neighbors, and families in need. It has continued with that same attitude of love and “family” and is one of the great attributes of the Montrose community.

UPDATE: As of December 2024, MCD is also providing free holiday dinners on Christmas day to seniors and homebound residents in our community. These meals can be requested here.